Connect with a real patient
Real patients living with PBA. Images reflect patients’ health status at the time the images were captured.
Get One-on-One Support With the PBA Talk Mentor Program
The PBA Talk Mentor Program gives you the opportunity to talk about Pseudobulbar Affect (PBA) with someone who is also living with PBA and may know what you’re going through. On a phone or video call, your PBA Talk Mentor can discuss questions you may have about PBA, chat about how you are feeling, and give you the personal one-on-one support you deserve.
Sequena is a real patient living with PBA. Image reflects patient’s health status at the time the image was captured.
Connect With a PBA Talk Mentor in 3 Easy Steps
Fill out the form at the bottom of this page or call 1-844-706-5722 to get started.
Receive a follow-up call to answer some questions and pair you with the right PBA Talk Mentor.
A PBA Talk Mentor will call you at a date and time that fits your schedule to connect for 30 to 60 minutes. It typically takes around one week after enrollment to connect with a PBA Talk Mentor.
You may want to discuss:
Please note that the Peer Mentor will be able to share their personal experiences and will not be able to address specific questions about your medical condition or provide medical advice. Please speak with your doctor about any specific medical information.
“I have been blessed with some great mentors in my life — and I want to pay it forward. I don't want someone else to go through this alone if there's a way to help.”
Mary-Beth, a patient living with epilepsy and PBA
Individual results vary. Mary-Beth is a real patient living with PBA. Image reflects patient’s health status at the time the image was captured.
Find Other Resources
For other tools and support options, visit the Resource Library.
Jill is a real patient living with PBA. Image reflects patient’s health status at the time the image was captured.